Customizing Github Profile Page
- May 11, 2021
- Tiempo de lectura . 2 min
- Autor: Yuniel Acosta
What is GitHub Profile Page?
A github profile page like any other social media profile page displays the user your public repositories and your contributions to all the repositories by day, month and year wise. A person can also see who you are following on github and how many people are following you. Apart from this it also shows the repositories you have starred.
However till now it was not possible to customize this page since there was no customization available. But now it is possible to customize your github profile page by modifying a in a username repository.
So lets get started:
Step 1: Create a repository
Login into github and create a new repository with the same name as your github user name. Make sure to keep this repository public and initialize it with file as shown in below screenshot.
Step 2: Edit file
Once the repository is created, open the file and start editing it. You can add anything in this file, for example your twitter profile link, your linkedin profile link etc. You can also add your biography or description about your interest, hobbies, technologies you like etc as you can see in below screen shot.
Step 3: Commit file
When you have completed making the change and you are ready, preview your changes and make sure to commit your changes.
Step 4: Verify your changes on your Github Profile
Last step is to go to your github profile page and verify that the changes appear there.
You can use this tool to generate your profile without coding gh-profile-readme-generator
Hopefully, you have learned something new today and like this post
Happy Coding 🤠.